

Google Inc.

Software Engineer

(Projects in reverse chronological order)

Location Platform (Internal product)

Backend engineer for location data serving and pipelines powering various products such as Timeline, Popular Times, Find My Device. Improved production management.

Android Wi-Fi Assistant (External product)

Full-stack engineer for VPN and Android client app. Built anti-abuse measures.

API Platform (Internal+External product)

Primary developer for JavaScript Client Library, powering both Google web properties and third-party applications. Designed and executed live migrations of the API surface and underlying transport protocol.

July 2012 - Current


Cornell University, College of Engineering | Ithaca, NY

M.Eng. in Computer Science

B.S. in Computer Science

Minor in Electrical and Computer Engineering

Vector (concentration): Systems

May 2012

Jan 2012


Mainly worked with C++, Java, Python, Go.

Comfortable picking up new languages and frameworks.